Prices: Prices are based on current market conditions and are subject to change without notice. ALL PRICES ARE F.O.B. Scottree, 108 Berry Drive, Shelby NC.
Claims: Claims for any cause must be made promptly upon receipt of nursery stock. We will honor claims after goods have been accepted, or when a written report is not made with in ten days after delivery
Liability: We guarantee to ship good, healthy stock in accordance with ANLA standards, but we do not assume any responsibility after stock leaves the nursery. We give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to description or productiveness, and will not in any way be responsible for results secured in transplanting this stock. We further assume no responsibility for damage to said stock from heat, cold, exposure or other causes after stock leaves our nursery. We shall in no case be liable for any sum greater than the amount originally paid for the said stock.
USDA Hardiness Zone Map
Shipping: Shipping is available via our own trucks; Call for rates.
Tagging: We will be glad to have customers place locking tags on trees to hold. We do ask to have a 25% deposit on the specified trees tagged. This amount will be applied to the invoice for the specific trees at time of shipping. Any deposit on trees not purchased within seven months from tagging will be forfeited. These trees must be dug within our regular digging season.
Summer digging is available for certain material at 15% additional cost for digging and holding. We would recommend the material to be held for a minimum of 2 weeks for hardening off.
Claims: Claims for any cause must be made promptly upon receipt of nursery stock. We will honor claims after goods have been accepted, or when a written report is not made with in ten days after delivery
Liability: We guarantee to ship good, healthy stock in accordance with ANLA standards, but we do not assume any responsibility after stock leaves the nursery. We give no warranty, expressed or implied, as to description or productiveness, and will not in any way be responsible for results secured in transplanting this stock. We further assume no responsibility for damage to said stock from heat, cold, exposure or other causes after stock leaves our nursery. We shall in no case be liable for any sum greater than the amount originally paid for the said stock.
USDA Hardiness Zone Map
Shipping: Shipping is available via our own trucks; Call for rates.
Tagging: We will be glad to have customers place locking tags on trees to hold. We do ask to have a 25% deposit on the specified trees tagged. This amount will be applied to the invoice for the specific trees at time of shipping. Any deposit on trees not purchased within seven months from tagging will be forfeited. These trees must be dug within our regular digging season.
Summer digging is available for certain material at 15% additional cost for digging and holding. We would recommend the material to be held for a minimum of 2 weeks for hardening off.